Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Plaudits to you and those responsible for the revitalization of the Society Farsarotul!

I have enjoyed receiving the newsletter and have taken the liberty of photocopying the February ’89 issue for distri-bution to several Land of Lincoln “Vlachs” whom I have met through my work in the Illinois State Library.

Enclosed is an order for three books and a check to cover the cost. Although I was able to obtain a copy of the Winnifrith book through interlibrary loan, I would like a personal copy to circulate to other members of the family.

Keep up the good work.


Louisa Babu

Springfield, IL

Dear Ms. Babu: Thank you so much for your kind letter. We do not mind at all your photocopying past issues of the Newsletter for free distribution to friends, relatives, scholars, et al. We would also be happy to send the original issues ourselves (as long as the supply lasts) if you send us names and addresses.

– The Editor

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