Our Language & History
Here you will find links to articles by journalists and academics, as well as resources including dictionaries and grammars of the Aromanian language.

An English-Aromanian Dictionary
In 2000, the Society Farsharotu funded the publication of Prof. Emil Vrabie’s English-Aromanian Dictionary in partnership with the University of Mississippi.
Dicţionarul dialectului aromân general şi etimologic, Tache Papahagi
Easily the most comprehensive dictionary of Aromanian, published a century ago by Tache Papahagi in Romania, updated there in 1963, and then digitized last year. It translates our language into Romanian and French. This version was made available by our community in Greece in downloadable and searchable form.
(Downloads a large file)
(Immediately searchable)

Dictsiunar a Limbãljei Armãneascã, Tiberius Cunia
An AMAZING resource for all Aromanians in English-speaking nations: In addition to the digital version of Tache Papahagi’s definitive dictionary of our language, this 2008 publication by the late Tiberiu Cunia also adds English! It is free, downloadable, and searchable – get your copy right here today.
Additional Aromanian Language Resources
The Nomads of the Balkans
by Alan Wace & Maurice Thompson
The Nomads of the Balkans includes a definitive history of the Aromanians as well as an excellent grammar of the Aromanian language.

Born to Assimilate
by Nicholas Balamaci
A collection of the author’s articles, essays, academic writings, and editorials about the Vlachs over more than 25 years.
Related Media Resources
Articles from Our Newsletter
Letter from Albania
Feb 28, 1994
An Istrian in New York
Apr 25, 2007
Resurrecting Aromanian Culture
Aug 28, 1988
Aromanian Traditional Music: An Introduction
Apr 25, 2018
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