Vlach Map of Albania

The map “Most important settlements of the Aromanians in Albania” has been graciously provided by Dr. Thede Kahl (Institut für Geographie, Universität Münster) and is based on the author’s original fieldwork in Albania 1995-6 and the following sources:

Burileanu, Constantin N.: De la Românii din Albania (About the Romanians of Albania; Romanian). Bucureşti 1906.

Capidan, Theodor: Românii din Albania (The Romanians of Albania; Romanian). in: Graiul Românesc 2, Nr. 11, Bucureşti 1928, S. 195-209.

Capidan, Theodor: Fărşeroţii (The Farsherotes; Romanian). in: Dacoromania 6, Cluj, Bucureşti 1930, S. 1-210.

Kahl, Thede: Ethnizität und räumliche Verteilung der Aromunen (Ethnicity and spatial distribution of Aromanians; German). Münster. Münstersche Geographische Arbeiten No. 43.

Maier, Radu O.: Aşezările de călive la Aromînii din Albania (Hut settlements of the Aromanians in Albania; Romanian). in: Revista de Etnografie şi Folclor 9, Nr. 2, Bucureşti 1964, S. 183-189.

Neiescu, Petru: Mic atlas al dialectului aromân din Albania şi din Fosta Republică Iugoslavă Macedonia (Small Atlas of the Aromanian Dialect of Albania and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Romanian). Bucureşti 1997.

Papahagi, Tache: La Românii din Albania (The Romanians of Albania; Romanian). Bucureşti 1920.

Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie: References 1998/99.

Urban, Martin: Die Siedlungen Südalbaniens (The settlements of South Albania; German). Tübinger geographische und geologische Abhandlungen, Reihe II, Bd. 4, Öhringen 1938.

Verémis, Thános & Theódoros Kulumpís & Ilías Nikolakópulos [Bερέμης, Θάνος & Θεόδωρος Κουλουμπής & Ηλίας Νικολακόπουλος]: Ο Ελληνισμός της Αλβανίας (The Greeks of Albania; Greek). Αθήνα 1995.

Weigand, Gustav: Die Walachen in Musakié (The Vlachs of Musakié; German). in: Romänische Revue 8, Nr. 1 und 2/3, Viena, Budapest 1892, S. 19-22 (in 1), 109-112 (in 2/3).

Weigand, Gustav: Von Berat über Muskopolje nach Gjordscha (From Berat via Muskopolje to Gjorscha; German). in: Globus 61, Nr. 24, Braunschweig 1892, S. 369-376.

Winnifrith, Tom: Shattered Eagles. Balkan FragmentsLondon 1995.

NOTE: The book by Dr. Kahl listed above is available for purchase. Please write Dr. Kahl for current price and ordering information at: University of Münster, Dept. of Geography, Robert-Koch-Str. 26, D-48149 Münster, Germany.

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