Greetings to All of Our Members

We hope that this first issue of our Newsletter finds you and your loved ones well and prosperous. We want to let you know that the Society Farsarotul, too, is well and prosperous andeager to be of service to all members. A new Administrative Council has been installed, and one of its first tasks is to get in touch with the membership through meetings and social events. But since our community has spread itself out and not everyone can come to Bridgeport for meetings, we have decided to issue this Newsletter as a further means of keeping in touch with each other.
Since this is a first issue, we are dedicating it to the founder of the Society Farsarotul, Nicolae Cican, and the articles are devoted to the beginnings and evolution of the Society Farsarotul. We hope to expand our coverage quite a bit in subsequent issues and to include regularly articles and essays about our culture and our community, written by scholars and bymembers of the community, as well as pertinent news items and interviews. We welcome suggestions as to other things we might include in the Newsletter. Our next issue is planned for July.