Our Families

Our culture is an oral tradition, carried forward not by nations or schools or literature, but by families.

Explore our family connections here – share stories, photographs, and family trees.

The Amazing Life of Dr. Haralambie Cicma

Haralambie Cicma Autobiographie part 1

A Vlach’s Life in His time Part I. Family My grandfather, Costa Cicma and his wife, Despina, had eight children; four sons—Dimitri, George, Nicho­las and

Backstage with the Multitalented Michael Costulas

Michael Costulas

Michael Costulas was born in Sourpi in the Greek province of Thessaly, the son of Adam and Theodora Maze Costulas. He was one of five

Articles from Our Newsletter

Am I Aromanian?

There is growing interest in genealogy, but ethnic groups without a nation of their own are easily overlooked. If you suspect you might be of Aromanian ancestry, we encourage you to become a supporter and then visit the Family History forum here to begin your research within our community!

(Supporters Only)

In Memoriam

One of the ways that we strive to remember those who have gone before us is by sharing photos and stories.

Welcome Forums Share Memories, Stories & Obituaries

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America is a group of groups: Probably every culture in the world is represented here. Within each group, there are some individuals who take an active interest in cultural matters and look after culture on behalf of the wider group. We are Americans first, but we understand what we bring to American culture, too.