
Photo of Nicolae Cican
Nicolae Cican

About the Society

Founded in 1903 by Nicolae Cican, the Society Farsharotu is the oldest and largest Aromanian* association in America.

There were two main purposes for its creation: humanitarian, to help our people in need of assistance, both new arrivals here in America, as well as widows, orphans, invalids, and the impoverished in the old country; and cultural, to preserve Aromanian culture for as long as possible, by acting as a focal point for our cultural activities together.

As times have changed, so has the Society. For example, the founders were part of an Aromanian group based in modern Albania known as “Farsharotsi.” The Society was later opened up to all Aromanians, regardless of place of origin, country of residence, or political sentiment, and our name changed simply to “Society Farsharotu.”

Our primary focus is the Aromanian community in America and we are completely non-political. We acknowledge that Aromanians throughout the world are assimilating into the societies in which they live. Yet cultures do not often disappear completely, but rather they are transformed; we retain some of our past in ways we do not always understand. It is the Society’s role to help us understand that side of us.

Much of our history is unknown, and few of us can answer our children competently when they ask, “What are we?”  The Society provides that answer by publishing modern academic research about our people and language and making it available for our children as well as future generations.

In addition to the information and the books, videos, music, and memorabilia available through this website, the Society has established a library, photo archive, and small museum in Connecticut for use by our supporters and the public.

Our success is determined by your support. Become a Supporter of the Society Farsharotu and sign up your family members as well. Support our activities whenever you can, and let us know how we can help you, too.

* Some of our people call themselves Rumani, while others call themselves Arumani, simply because of a dialectal preference for an “A” before words that start with certain consonants. In the U.S. we are primarily known as Aromanians, while Romanians call us Macedo-Romanians, in Greece we are usually known as Vlachs, and Serbs use the term Tsintsar.

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