What’s in a Name?
The early membership records of the Society Farsarotul provide us with a great deal of information, including place of birth, parents’ names, and year of membership. I have combed through these early records at length; for me, one of the most interesting things about them is also one of the most obvious: the given names of our ancestors.
Have you ever considered an ethnic name for your newborn but been unable to find one that would not bring him or her to tears at age 13? The lists below were compiled from early membership forms in the Society’s archives. Included (in parentheses) are some common nicknames and variants alongside the more formal versions. Happy reading — and bet we all share a Costanda or two in our past!
Female names
Aglaiea | Ecaterina | Maria (Marina) | Tereza |
Alexa (Lexa) | Eftihia | ( Marica) | Thomaida |
Andronica (Nica) | Elena | Migdala | Valeria |
Anastasia (Sia) | Epa | Minca | Vanghelitsa |
Angelina (Angela) | Eugenia (Gena) | Nula | Vanthia |
Anna | Eudoxia | Olga | Vasilichia (Vasila) |
Athina | Euridichi | Olympia (Olymbia) | (Chia) |
Aurica | Fanica | ( Bia) | Veronica |
Caliopi | Florica | Parascheva | Vichea |
Chiratsa | Gianula | Pinelopie | Victoria |
Costanda | Gramata (Mata) | Rincea | Violeta |
Despa | Haida | Sofia | Zaha |
Dimcea | Hrisula (Sula) | Sperantsa | Zoitsa |
Domnica | Louisa | Steriana | Zorica |
Doxia | Lucia | Sultana |
Male names
Ahilea | Damu | Leonida | Stefan |
Andreia | Dimitrie | Margarit | Tache (Taki) |
Athanas (Nashu) | Dionisie | Miciu | Tegu |
(Tashu) | Epaminonda | Mihail | Teodor |
Apostol (Toli) | Fotu | Modi | Tolia |
Aristede | Gheorghe | Nicolae | Tomache |
Christu | Grigorie | Panayot | Traian |
Costandine (Costa) | Haralambie | Pandely (Pandu) | Tusha |
(Dina) | Ilia | Pericle | Vanghel |
(Dincu) | Ioan (Ianni) | Petra | Vasil |
Cocu | (Nacu) | Pulea | Zissa |
Costica (Tica) | (Iancu) | Sotir | Ziva |
Costel | (Iannaki) | Spiru | |
Ciulica | Lazaru | Sterghiu |