Letters to the Editor
I read with interest the latest newsletter and was very much impressed with its content and substance. If the newsletters are an indication of the direction in which the society is headed, then the committee of the society and all the contributors to the newsletters should be highly commended.
Hopefully, this will stimulate some of us, who have been somewhat unconcerned as to who we are, to become more involved and contribute to your effort in achieving so noble a goal as preserving our heritage as a legacy to our children.
Too often we are hesitant in offering words of encouragement and support when we recognize that good things are happening. So please accept mine, congratulations and keep up the good work.
Nick Giavara
Southbridge, Mass.
My heartbeat quickened and my joy increased to read the excellent Newsletter of the Farsarotul Society. You are saying things that had to be said about the Aromanians so that our young people and interested persons may know. You are making them aware of their roots and their glorious past. May you continue to feed them culturally and spiritually, so that it will make a difference in their lives.
I am proud to be a member of the Society for over 40 years. My relationship with the Aromanians was always happy. I found them to be a proud people, modest, dedicated, faithful and generous. May they ever be so…
My greetings to my fellow Farsarotsi—I love them.
Rev. Vasile Hategan
Lakewood, Ohio
“Men resemble their own times more than they do their father” Arabic proverb