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Welcome Forums In Memoriam Tom Winnifrith

  • Tom Winnifrith

    Posted by Society Farsharotu on Nov 18, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    For those who may not yet have heard, Tom Winnifrith passed away peacefully on October 12, 2020. Tom fell in love with the Vlachs during his travels through Greece and in 1987 published the landmark book, “The Vlachs: History of a Balkan People.” It was the first major English-language work on our people since Wace & Thompson’s 1914 masterpiece “Nomads of the Balkans”. He was the best friend we’ve had in the last century and he will be missed. We’re including the cover of his memorial service with this post, which provides instructions for donations in his memory.

    Society Farsharotu replied 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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